A Guide To The Mind

A Guide To

The Mind

Personal Growth Guide specialising in Helping Men Overcome Fears, Deal with Anger Issues, and Resolving the Aftereffects of Trauma (PTSD).

Personal Growth Guide specialising in resolving the aftereffects of trauma, reducing anxiety, and increasing your self-confidence and personal effectiveness.

Watch this video for an introduction

What I offer

I offer specific guidance and interventions to help you navigate the way that life is making you feel.  It is not necessary for the external events that are happening in your life to change, or for the events that have happened in the past to disappear, for you to find a deeper sense of ease and calm in yourself.  

The question is; do you have energy to give to some personal growth to achieve this?

My approach is non-clinical, in that it differs in ideology from the mainstream approaches on offer that are strongly influenced by psychiatric labels and medications.  Instead of 'treating' a 'mental illness', I help people to walk a path of personal growth and transformation that aims to help you handle life in a way that feels easier and better for you.

My approach is honed from over a decade of seeing clients to resolve issues, extensive professional training, and walking a path of deep personal growth myself.

Areas I help people with include resolving the aftereffects of traumatic experiences (PTSD & C-PTSD), reducing anxiety, increasing confidence and personal effectiveness, burn out and anger issues.

Understand how I work

Everything I do is about learning, but not like the kind of learning you do from a textbook. Instead it's a deeper more practical kind of learning, like when you learn a new skill.

I will help you move beyond things that are going on inside of you that are getting in your way.  Like unhelpful patterns of thinking or the aftereffects of traumatic experiences.  And I will support you in doing new learning to help you navigate stresses and situations in your life more easily.  I give guidance and tools to help you achieve this.

What I do is also about helping you connect more freely to your energy for life.  Everyone has desires and goals.  Everyone wants connection.  Everyone has a unique perspective that is important to them.  And, here's the thing?  It's  possible to have a deeper connection to your energy for life, and there's a lot of benefit that comes from fostering a deeper positive connection to yourself.  This is an important part of the work I do with people and is an important part of personal healing and growth.

Finally, a core part of my approach is about helping you enter into "healing states".  Healing states are calm focused states of mind that make it easier for you to think and feel differently.  These states of mind occur naturally as a result of the explorations we do in sessions, and I also teach skills of how to cultivate them.

A Non-Clinical Approach & The Things I Help With

My approach differs from the mainstream, clinical approaches on offer.

If  you go to your doctor or a psychiatrist and say you want to change how you feel, the approach offered usually involves being given a diagnosis of a disorder of some kind and then being prescribed a treatment. For example, someone is given a ‘depression’ diagnosis ("Major Depressive Disorder"), and then given drugs to see if they reduce your depression score on a questionnaire.

The fundamental problem with the mainstream, clinical model is that it gives an overly a biological, and overly medicalised, view of people's distress.  Unfortunately, although psychiatric diagnoses may feel like an explanation at first, all they are is a label on a group of symptoms that someone has.  They do not actually tell you what is causing a person's distress and consequently they shed no light on how to help a person either.  Similarly psychiatric drugs, though they may have benefits for some through their sedating effects, do not address the actual difficulties in a person's life that need to be addressed. 

A more useful way of looking at things is this: psychological and emotional stresses arise from two factors; 1) your current life circumstances and how you are navigating them, 2) experiences that you've had and how those experiences have shaped your current ways of thinking, feeling and problem solving.  Most of the stress that people can do something about (which is a great deal) arises from a mix of these two factors, and genuine help involves helping a person with these things. 

Important life factors that contribute to your well-being are: the current stresses in your life, how you are handling those stresses, and how clearly you see a way forward; how comfortable you are in yourself in general; how past events have impacted you and still influence you now; how you deal with conflict and how easily you can express yourself, and how much you're able to give yourself a break and slow down.  

These are the things I will help you with.

The question is; are you open to guidance that might help you find a new way of thinking and feeling?

All of my help is tailored to the specific person I am talking to and the issue you want help with.  It's OK if it's not clear where the problem lays right now, or if it seems like everything is the problem, or if you have no idea how you could ever think or feel differently.  Many people I have helped feel this way at the start.  It is my job to understand you, form a clear sense of what is going on, and have the skill to support you effectively.

So long as you have a desire for something different, there is scope for me to help you.  

Training & Experience

I have trained extensively in three models for helping people to change: 1) the NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM), an approach specifically designed to help people resolve complex trauma.  2) The Psychological Illusion Model (PIM), an approach that helps you healthily stand back from negative thoughts, feelings and memories.  3) Cognitive Hypnotherapy, a comprehensive and up-to-date hypnotherapy model taught by The Quest Institute.

I have over 14 years experience helping individuals in private practice, and for the last 6 years I have worked largely with military veterans and members of the blue-light services with the charity Rock2Recovery.  I reliably get good results helping people to overcome psychological problems, navigate significant life stresses, and grow as a person as they do so. 

I have a lot of hope that people can move beyond their problems.

What I offer

I offer specific guidance and interventions to help you navigate the way that life is making you feel.  It is not necessary for the external events that are happening in your life to change, or for the events that have happened in the past to disappear, for you to find a deeper sense of ease and calm in yourself.

The question is; do you have energy to give to some personal growth to achieve this?

My approach is non-clinical, in that it differs in ideology from the mainstream approaches on offer that are strongly influenced by psychiatric labels and medications.  Instead of 'treating' a 'mental illness', I help people to walk a path of personal growth and transformation that aims to help you handle life in a way that feels easier and better for you.

My approach is honed from over a decade of seeing clients to resolve issues, extensive professional training, and walking a path of deep personal growth myself.

Areas I help people with include resolving the aftereffects of traumatic experiences (PTSD & C-PTSD), reducing anxiety, increasing confidence and personal effectiveness, burn out and anger issues.

Understanding How I Work

Everything I do is about learning, but not like the kind of learning you do from a textbook. Instead it's a deeper more practical kind of learning, like when you learn a new skill.

I will help you move beyond things that are going on inside of you that are getting in your way.  Like unhelpful patterns of thinking or the aftereffects of traumatic experiences.  And I will support you in doing new learning to help you navigate stresses and situations in your life more easily.  I give guidance and tools to help you achieve this.

What I do is also about helping you connect more freely to your energy for life.  Everyone has desires and goals.  Everyone wants connection.  Everyone has a unique perspective that is important to them.  And, here's the thing?  It's  possible to have a deeper connection to your energy for life, and there's a lot of benefit that comes from fostering a deeper positive connection to yourself.  This is an important part of the work I do with people and is an important part of personal healing and growth.

Finally, a core part of my approach is about helping you enter into "healing states".  Healing states are calm focused states of mind that make it easier for you to think and feel differently.  These states of mind occur naturally as a result of the explorations we do in sessions, and I also teach skills of how to cultivate them.

A Non-Clinical Approach & The Things I Help With

My approach differs from the mainstream, clinical approaches on offer.

If  you go to your doctor or a psychiatrist and say you want to change how you feel, the approach offered usually involves being given a diagnosis of a disorder of some kind and then being prescribed a treatment. For example, someone is given a ‘depression’ diagnosis ("Major Depressive Disorder"), and then given drugs to see if they reduce your depression score on a questionnaire.

The fundamental problem with the mainstream, clinical model is that it gives an overly a biological, and overly medicalised, view of people's distress.  Unfortunately, although psychiatric diagnoses may feel like an explanation at first, all they are is a label on a group of symptoms that someone has.  They do not actually tell you what is causing a person's distress and consequently they shed no light on how to help a person either.  Similarly psychiatric drugs, though they may have benefits for some through their sedating effects, do not address the actual difficulties in a person's life that need to be addressed. 

A more useful way of looking at things is this: psychological and emotional stresses arise from two factors; 1) your current life circumstances and how you are navigating them, 2) experiences that you've had and how those experiences have shaped your current ways of thinking, feeling and problem solving.  Most of the stress that people can do something about (which is a great deal) arises from a mix of these two factors, and genuine help involves helping a person with these things. 

Important life factors that contribute to your well-being are: the current stresses in your life, how you are handling those stresses, and how clearly you see a way forward; how comfortable you are in yourself in general; how past events have impacted you and still influence you now; how you deal with conflict and how easily you can express yourself, and how much you're able to give yourself a break and slow down.  

These are the things I will help you with.

The question is; are you open to guidance that might help you find a new way of thinking and feeling?

All of my help is tailored to the specific person I am talking to and the issue you want help with.  It's OK if it's not clear where the problem lays right now, or if it seems like everything is the problem, or if you have no idea how you could ever think or feel differently.  Many people I have helped feel this way at the start.  It is my job to understand you, form a clear sense of what is going on, and have the skill to support you effectively.

So long as you have a desire for something different, there is scope for me to help you.  

Training & Experience

I have trained extensively in three models for helping people to change: 1) the NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM), an approach specifically designed to help people resolve complex trauma.  2) The Psychological Illusion Model (PIM), an approach that helps you healthily stand back from negative thoughts, feelings and memories.  3) Cognitive Hypnotherapy, a comprehensive and up-to-date hypnotherapy model taught by The Quest Institute.

I have over 14 years experience helping individuals in private practice, and for the last 6 years I have worked largely with military veterans and members of the blue-light services with the charity Rock2Recovery.  I reliably get good results helping people to overcome psychological problems, navigate significant life stresses, and grow as a person as they do so. 

I have a lot of hope that people can move beyond their problems.

↓↓ Introduction video below ↓↓

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Successful Track Record Helping People With:

- Self-Assurance & Self-Confidence

- Fear of failure & Self-doubt

- Dealing with a difficult person / people (family members, colleagues, ex-partners, bullies, etc)  

- Procrastination

- Imposter syndrome

- Overcoming past events / trauma

- Difficulty speaking up for yourself (guilt/anxiety/self-doubt)

- Social anxiety and fearing judgement

- Public speaking

- Compulsive habits you want to change

- Burn out

- PTSD-symptoms / hypervigilance

- Panic attacks

- Intrusive thoughts &/or nightmares

- Anger issues

- Phobias (spiders, heights, needles, other)

Please enquire if you want to know if I can help with a particular problem.

I have extensive experience helping with a range of issues.

Click the icon to learn more about working with Alastair ...

About Me

I'm pretty sure that the defining event of my life happened when I was around 2 years old.  After overcoming chickenpox I suddenly became very ill. I couldn't take in food or drink and couldn't stop vomiting, my eyes rolled around in my head in an alarming way.  The GP told my parents it was a fever that would pass, but after 3 days they rushed me to A&E as I was wasting away.  

At hospital the doctors ran tests for several days, but no one could discover what was wrong.  Despite now being on a drip, my condition deteriorated further, and I began shutting down to die.  At the 11th hour a junior doctor suggested I might have encephalitis.  I was given antibiotics and my condition stabilised.  A few days later the infection had passed and I was carried home.

Encephalitis is a serious but uncommon condition where the brain becomes inflamed (swollen).  It can have profound neurological and psychological consequences.  I am a lucky one.

However, though I was fortunate to survive with few obvious neurological complications, the result of what happened was I spent my childhood and teenage years in a state of chronic shock, fear, and confusion that would never pass.  It might sound strange to say, but I had no idea there was anything wrong with me, I just struggled through doing my best to act 'normal'. 

As I reached my twenties I became more aware that I struggled hugely with anxiety and low moods.  And so despite settling into a good well-paying job after university, I quit and set on a journey into the unknown.  I knew something was not right and I made a vow to resolve it, despite having no idea what it was or where to begin.  

I didn't know anything about mental health, trauma, or personal transformation when I began.  I thought I would be fine after a few months of trying, but the journey ended up going on a lot longer.  Along the way I trained in various forms of coaching and therapy and began to help others, something I discovered I had a natural talent and enjoyment for. 

I began running a private practice to help people deal with anxiety and emotional issues in 2010.  In 2018 I joined the team at an organisation called Rock2Recovery (R2R) that supports currently serving and former members of the British Military and 999 services .  Through Rock2recovery and my private practice I have helped hundreds of individuals with PTSD symptoms, anxiety, panic, anger issues and a range of other problems. 

The psychological approaches that have made the biggest impact upon me are the NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM), the Psychological Illusion Model (PIM), and Cognitive Hypnotherapy (The Quest Institute).  I have trained extensively in each of these approaches and have certifications in them.

Across the years I have come to question the mainstream approach to helping people who are in psychological distress.  I do not think that 'treating' issues like anxiety or depression as if they are illnesses is the right way to support someone.  Psychological issues stem from how we think and feel about ourselves and the world, and thoughts and feelings are not illnesses.  Your habitual thoughts and feelings are strongly influenced by three important factors; 1) your current life circumstances, 2) experiences you have had, 3) how you have learned to deal with and/or succeed at life.  How you relate to these things can be shaped and moulded into healthier forms across time that give you greater abilities to feel a sense of ease, composure and resilience, particularly with the right guidance and support.  I also believe that an important part of human flourishing is to gain the ability to go into 'healing states' - calm focused states of mind - that enable changes in thoughts and feelings to occur.